Until The Lee Labrada Classic Commences
- Bodybuilding
- Physique
- Classic Physique
- Figure
- Bikini
- Fitness
- Wellness
- Fit Model
- The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center
1601 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77380 - Saturday, August 2nd, 2025
Morning | |
Staff and Exhibitors Arrive | 6:30 am |
Athlete Check-In & Doors Open | 7:30 am |
Prejudging Begins | 8:30 am |
Evening | |
Staff and Exhibitors Arrive | 4:00 pm |
Athlete Check-In & Doors Open | 5:00 pm |
Finals Begins | 6:00 pm |
- BRONZE SPONSOR: 10’ x 10’ vendor space with 1 skirted 6 foot table, 2 chairs, 2 vendor badges
- SILVER SPONSOR: 10’ x 10’ vendor space with 1 skirted 6 foot table, 2 chairs, 2 vendor badges, 2 general admission tickets.
- GOLD SPONSOR: 10’ x 20’ vendor space with 2 skirted 6 foot tables, 4 chairs, 4 vendor badges, 4 general admission tickets.
- Please reference Floorplan provided to identify your booth location. Floorplan is subject to change.
- Preferred booths set up :
FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st | Between 5:00–8:00 pm or |
SATURDAY, AUGUST 2nd | Between 6:30–7:00 am only if necessary |
- Breakdown should be conducted quietly & discreetly. Please respect the audience and athletes on stage.
- Neither Labrada Nutrition nor The Woodlands Waterway Marriott will be responsible for any loss or damage arising from, or in connection with, The NPC Lee Labrada Classic.
- Free Parking is available in Town Centre Garage on Six Pines Drive. No parking pass is needed.
- Please ensure Proof of Insurance & Food Permits are submitted before the event if requested by the Show Coordinator.
- Electricity / Wi-Fi are NOT INCLUDED and must be arranged before event.
- Please contact The Woodlands Waterway Marriott directly to order these services at: AVMS at (281) 681-5732
- NO extension cords or extra light bulbs will be furnished – Please bring your own.
- Generators are strictly prohibited.
- Badges and tickets can be claimed at WILL CALL on Friday during set-up or Saturday, August 2nd before the event.
- All exhibitors are encouraged to download MUSLCEWARE App to receive the same notifications as athletes, and monitor show progress.
- Live Exhibitor Service Animals and Mascots are allowed at the event, but current Rabies Vaccinations are required. Please ensure your animal is pre-approved by the Show Coordinator, has a gentle disposition, and is vaccinated.
PLEASE FOLLOW & SHARE ON IG: #leelabradaclassic
- Text (832) 381-0216 if you have questions or concerns OR call for emergency assistance on show day.

2 April 1991
Minnesota (birthplace)
Texas (currently)
I started working out when I was in the 7th grade, I was 12 or 13 years old.. I didn’t want to be a small kid. I was very inconsistent with hitting weights at that age until I was about 16 when my dad bought equipment for a home gym.
I didn’t get into the fitness industry until I finished serving 5 years active duty in the US Army. I was 23 years old at the time and my goals honestly were never with competing. At the time, I wanted to try & follow in Greg Plitt’s footsteps. My plan was to build as big of a following as I could to reach and inspire as many people to change their lives by chasing their dreams. I wanted to be a motivational speaker and land as many fitness magazines as I possibly could. This was until I was invited to shoot with some photographers at the 2014 Mr Olympia, I watched the men’s physique category and felt I had what it takes to compete with the very best guys in the world in that division. I did my very first competition the next month , and 4 weeks after I went on to earn my IFBB Pro card by winning the overall at the NPC National Championship.
I competed in mens physique from October 2014 through March of 2019, managing to earn my way to the Mr Olympia in 2016-17-18, placing 7th, 9th, 11th. Mens physique pro shows that I won are Dallas Europa & the Tampa pro. I also competed in the Arnold Classic in 2018 & 2019 placing 4th both times, and decided my journey in mens physique was over after my 2019 Arnold Classic showing.
I felt my potential lied elsewhere, in a division that I knew would challenge me greater than anything I had done so far. I was intrigued by the new division, and wanted yo take a chance at greatness.
My Classic debut was the 2019 Tampa Pro just a few months after my final mens physique showing. I weighed 204lbs and managed to break into the top 3 for a 3rd place finish. The following year in 2020, my wife Marissa & I had our son on May 1 where I became a Dad. This took my focus and vision to a completely new level. My next competition was the 2020 NY Pro, at 214lbs I won with a perfect score on the judges scorecards, qualifying me for the 2020 Mr Olympia in classic physique where I placed 9th. After my showing I immediately got back to work, trying to figure out every way I could improve, so I got to work on my 2021 season.
I competed in the Texas Pro where I was beaten by a 1 point decision - yet managed to take home the best poser award out of the entire show. Weeks later I was invited to the Arnold Classic where I battled with the top guys of the division and placed 3rd and once again being awarded the Best Poser, beating out Terrence Ruffin. After the Arnold Classic, I turned my focus to the Shawn Ray Hawaiian Classic - where I earned my 2nd Classic physique Pro victory qualifying for the 2022 Mr Olympia.
Hunter Labrada is a top contender for the 2022 Mr. Olympia title.
At 5’9” and 285lbs, Hunter’s physique is not only massive, but balanced and symmetrical. His huge back and legs, combined with a small waist, provide a great advantage for Hunter in competition.
Being one of the youngest pros in men’s open bodybuilding makes Hunter a rising star with pro bodybuilding legend potential.
Hunter placed 4th in last year’s 2021
Mr. Olympia, a big jump in placing over his 8th place 2020 Mr. Olympia debut.
And Hunter plans to keep climbing to the top!
Hunter has won every bodybuilding show he has entered with the exception of the ultimate prize, the coveted Mr. Olympia title.
He is a past winner of both the 2021 IFBB Chicago Pro, and the 2020 IFBB Tampa Pro which was his rookie debut. Hunter won the NPC Nationals bodybuilding championship in 2018.
Be sure to watch Hunter Labrada and his dynamic guest posing at the 2022 NPC Lee Labrada Classic!